[read-only] Agility - param 6
[read-only] ATtacK power - param 2
[read-only] Critical EVasion rate
[read-only] CouNTer attack rate
[read-only] CRItical rate
[read-only] DEFense power - param 3
[read-only] EVAsion rate
[read-only] EXperience Rate
[read-only] Floor Damage Rate
[read-only] Ggweqrtg*xzuaRD effect rate
[read-only] HIT rate -xparam 0
[read-only] Hit Points
[read-only] Hp ReGeneration rate
[read-only] LucK - param 7
[read-only] Magic Attack power - param 4
[read-only] Mp Cost Rate
[read-only] Magic Defense power - param 5
[read-only] Magical Damage Rate
[read-only] Magic EVasion rate
[read-only] Maximum Hit Points - param 0
[read-only] Maximum Magic Points - param 1
[read-only] Magic Points
[read-only] Magic ReFlection rate
[read-only] Mp ReGeneration rate
[read-only] Physical Damage Rate
[read-only] PHArmacology
[read-only] RECovery effect rate
[read-only] Tp Charge Rate
[read-only] TarGet Rate
[read-only] Tactical Points
[read-only] Tp ReGeneration rate
Adds a buff to the battler for the specified number of turns on the selected parameter.
Adds a debuff to the battler for the specified number of turns on the selected parameter.
Adds a new state given a state id to the battler.
Adds a state to the battler given the specified state id.
Returns all of the icons attached to the battler.
Returns all the traits of the battler.
Shows the game battler.
Returns the attack elements of the battler as a list of numbers.
Returns the attack skill id in the database.
Returns the attack speed of the battler.
Returns the attack states of the battler as a list of numbers.
Returns the number of attacks available to the battler.
Returns the battler name of the battler; the battler name is associated with the file used as the battler graphic.
Buffs the current parameter id.
Returns the array of buff icons attached to the battler; this is determined by the active buffs on the battler.
Returns the length of the buff.
Returns true if the battler can attack.
Returns true if the battler can equip the item.
Returns true if the battler can equip armor.
Returns true if the battler can equip a weapon.
Returns true if the battler can guard.
Returns true if the battler can input actions.
Returns true if the battler can pay the cost of the specified skill.
Returns true if the battler can use the item.
Clears the battler actions.
Clears animations from the battler.
Clears buffs from the battler.
Clear damage pop up from the battler.
Clears effect from the battler.
Clears motion from the battler.
Clears the battler action result.
Clears the battler's tp.
Clear weapon animation from the battler.
Returns the collapse type of the battler.
Returns the confusion level of the battler.
Has the battler consume the given item.
Returns the current action of the battler.
Returns the death state id.
Kills the battler.
Returns the effect type of the battler.
Erases the current state from the game battler given the stateId in the editor database.
Has the battler escape from battle; plays a sound on escaping.
Returns the unit of the battler; this is either the game party or game troop.
Adds the specified amount of hp to the battler.
Adds the specified amount of mp to the battler.
Adds a specified amount of tp to the battler silently.
Adds the specified amount of tp to the battler.
Returns the guard skill id in the database.
Hides the game battler.
Returns the percentage of the battler's hp left as a float.
Returns the index of the battler.
Initializes the battler's tp; tp is random.
Returns true if the battler is performing an action in battle.
Returns true if the battler is an actor.
Returns true if the battler is alive.
Returns true if the game battler is not hidden.
Returns true if the battler is set to battle automatically.
Returns true if the battler is chanting in combat.
Returns true if the battler is confused.
Returns true if the battler is dead.
Returns true if the battler dual wields.
Returns true if the battler is dying.
Returns true if the battler is an enemy.
Returns true if the battler is guarding.
Returns true if the battler is waiting to guard.
Returns true if the game battler is hidden.
Returns true if the battler is inputting commands in battle.
Returns true if a motion is requested.
Returns true if the item occasion is okay.
Returns true if tp is preserved between battles.
Returns true if the game battler is restricted.
Returns true if the skill is a weapon type oriented skill.
Returns true if the specified state given the state id is addable.
Returns true if the battler is affected by the specified state given the state id.
Returns true if the state, given the state id is expired.
Returns true if the specified state given the state id restricts.
Returns true if the battler is waiting in battle.
Returns true if a weapon animation is requested.
Creates the number of times for an action.
Creates the actions for the battler.
Calculates the speed of the battler.
Returns the maximum tp of the battler.
Returns true if the battler meets the item conditions.
Returns true if the battler meets the skill conditions.
Returns the motion type of the battler.
Returns the percentage of the battler's mp left as a float.
Returns the name of the battler.
Returns the number of battler actions.
Handler for when battle has started.
Handler for when theb attler is restricted.
Returns the opponents unit; this is either game party or game troop.
Returns a standard parameter, given a paramId; standard parameters include: HP, MP, Atk, M.Atk, Def, M.Def, Luck, Agility.
Returns the base parameters of the battler; this is determined by their current level and the paramId given.
Pays the cost of the skill when activating the skill.
Perform given action motion.
Perform action end motion.
Perform action start motion, given the specified game action.
Performs the collapse motion.
Perform counter motion.
Perform damage motion.
Perform evasion motion.
Perform magic evasion motion.
Perform miss motion.
Perform recovery motion.
Performs the reflect motion.
Perform substitute motion with the specified game battler.
Recovers the battler from all states and restores the battler to maximum hp and mp.
Refreshes the battler.
Has the battler regenerate all resources based on their respective regeneration stats.
Has the battler regenerate hp based on their hp regen.
Has the battler regenerate mp based on their mp regen.
Has the battler regenerate tp based on their tp regen.
Removes all buffs from the battler.
Removes the current battler action.
Removes the specified state given the state id.
Request the specified motion on the game battler.
Resets the state count of the specified state, given the state id.
Returns the number of the restriction.
Returns the battler action result.
Revives the battler.
Sets the action at the specified index for the battler.
Sets the battler hp.
Sets the battler mp.
Sets the battler tp.
Shifts the battler animation.
Returns the mp cost of the skill.
Returns the tp cost of the skill.
Returns the battler slot type of a trait.
Sorts the states attached to the battler.
Returns the speed of the battler.
Starts the specified animation, given the animation id on the battler.
Starts a damage pop up on the battler.
Starts the weapon animation on te battler given a weapon id.
Returns the array of state icons attached to the battler; this is determined by the active states on the battler.
Returns the states applied to the battler.
Returns the percentage of the battler's tp left as a float.
Updates the buff turns on battler.
Has theb attler use the given item.
Returns the weapon image id.
Generated using TypeDoc
The superdeclare class of Game_Actor and Game_Enemy. It contains methods for sprites and actions.